"US and EU are going to work together to take concrete measures to reduce dependence on natural gas, period" US President Joe Biden says the deal with EU will help accelerate progress towards a net zero future and maximise use of renewable energy bbc.in/3LdGICd
Rusland "staat open voor bitcoin als betaalmiddel voor olie en gas"
Verstaan er geen zak van, maar het is vertaald door iemand die Anastasia heet dus we geloven het wel. Rusland, bekend van tv, heeft toegezegd ervoor open te staan hun olie en gas voortaan ook voor bitcoin te verkopen. Bovenstaand ziet u Pavel Zavalny, voorzitter van het Russische Energie Committee. Bitcoin City schrijft over dit interview:
"Russia is open to accepting bitcoin for its natural resources exports, the chairman of the country’s Congressional energy committee, Pavel Zavalny, said in a press conference on Thursday. (...) The State Duma’s energy committee chair echoed Putin’s decision while adding that the country should also accept gold. (...) Russia being open to accepting bitcoin shift the tide as Putin last year had dismissed the possibility in an interview at the Russian Energy Week event in Moscow. “I believe that it has value,” Putin said at the time, referring to Bitcoin. “But I don’t believe it can be used in the oil trade.” (...) being open to the possibility and eventually conducting pilot trades with interested parties, Russia could set the stage for an upcoming trend where nations choose to transact in the stateless, global monetary system."
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