Beste improv in tijden: Tim Dillon maakt reclame voor Bud Light
Tim Dillon, de meest heteroseksuele vriend van de show sinds Yevgeny Prigozhin. Z'n alom betreurde breuk met alom geliefde sidekick Ben Avery een tijdje terug was even slikken en ontnam hem heus wel eventjes z'n glans. Maar Amerika's beste cultural commentator is weer in vorm als vanouds. Ditmaal over Bud Light en al dat transgedoe, maar dan precies niet in de richting die je verwacht. Na de breek de beste lines uitgeschreven wegens eeuwigheidswaarde.
Compilatie van z'n beste reclames, vooral voor Vinchero Watches vanaf 19:00
Soms verdient iets een transcript
"Bud Light believes that every American family has a right to defend their homeland from invaders coming across the border illegally. This is a White Country. Bud Light believes that European values built this country. You keep your guacamole and your queso. We'll take God, faith, family and freedom. Bud Light - Whites Only."
"Some people think it was 6 million. But here at Bud Light we haven't seen the numbers. We're just saying that history is never what any one person thinks. Bud Light - find your own number, find the number your comfortable with."
"You know, Bud Light has heard a lot about diversity being America's strength. But if you look at the shapes of people's skulls, they're different. Bud Light - stick with your own."
"Here at Bud Light we're a little sick of hearing about 'bankers'. Transnational bankers that don't give a shit about you. They just want the interest on your goddamn money. Whatever happened to making a living with your hands, instead of all this financial mumbo jumbo... Bud Light - watch out for 'bankers'."
"Bud Light believes Brittney Griner should have been left in Russia."
"Bud Light supports Russia, in its war against the Globalist Ukraine. Bud Light - the evil you know.
"What we do here at Bud Light? We promote traditional wholesome, American values. Like questioning why Israel had art students doing weird surveillance things by the Twin Towers a few days before, anyway - Bud Light."
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