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Nieuwe corona-uitbraak in China. Miljoenenstad Shijiazhuang OP SLOT, alle 10M inwoners getest

Ging het nachtleven in Wuhan vorige maand eindelijk open, staat ronde 2 voor de deur.

Gister leerden we dat China meent dat de uitbraak van corona "tegelijkertijd op meerdere plekken in de wereld plaatsvond" en het dus niet China's schuld was. Vandaag leren we dat China een miljoenenstad op slot gooit wegens een nieuwe coronauitbraak. Het betreft Shijiazhuang, hoofdstad van provincie Hebei, niet te verwarren met provincie Hubei, waarvan Wuhan de hoofdstad is. En dan schakelen we nu over naar de Chinese staatsmedia, Global Times:

"Shijiazhuang in North China's Hebei Province was locked down after reporting 117 new COVID-19 infections on Thursday, including 50 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 67 asymptomatic ones, hitting a record number of daily cases since the fresh outbreak started on Saturday. All people and vehicles in the city are not allowed to leave, the local authority announced Thursday afternoon. All people and vehicles in Gaocheng district of the city, which was ranked as a high-risk area due to COVID-19 flare-ups, will not be allowed to leave Gaocheng either. (...) As of 10:30 am on Thursday, the international airport in Shijiazhuang canceled 84 percent of inbound flights and 81 percent of outbound flights, data from information provider VariFlight showed. The airport is about five kilometers away from Gaocheng district, the COVID-19 high-risk area in Shijiazhuang. Authorities have also imposed temporary closures on railway stations and suspended operations of the long-distance bus transit station in the city."

Nja, zoals we inmiddels weten moet je Chinese infectiecijfers minstens keer 10 doen voordat je op de werkelijkheid zit, al zetten we zelf in op factor 16,3.

Alle (!) 10 miljoen (!) inwoners worden getest

Work hard and stop the spread as soon as possible. I read some local officials were disciplined for being not diligent enough! Accountability in action! #shijiazhuang

Jessica Zang
Jessica Zang

My hometown #Shijiazhuang: My parents and grandparents back home have done the nucleic acid testing today. A city-wide test is underway. Major long-range bus terminals shut. People doubt the number of cases in #china, see our reaction and measures. Bless all #jessicatalks #COVID



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