Excellent first call w/ new Netherlands FM @HalbeZijlstra. UK & Netherlands are great friends & partners
Eerste telefoongesprek Halbe Z. en Boris Johnson
Yes, this is Halbe Zijlstra. Minister of Foreigners Fairs in The Dutch Netherlands.
Halbe? That's sounds African, my goodness you're a progressive lot aren't you!
Hahah, well actually I am from Friesland which is considered a third-world country too.
Oh, Jolly! You that lad who loves Blackface and got absolutely annihilated trying to defend it on national telly? And they call ME inappropriate! We're going to get along mate I'll tell you that much.
Yes I wanted to talk about you about Brexi...
BLIMEY, I'm scrolling through ye pictures and I gotta say, I haven't seen a white man jump a fence like that since the Iron Curtain came down! Bravo chap!
OK but could we please...
SCHWALBE, that's it, I'll call you Schwalbe and you can call me The Ref cause we Brits will be calling the shots when we ditch that drunken bastard Juncker EY.
Alright well I look forward to seeing yo...
Dit wil je ook lezen
Oeh oeh mag de rest van Nederland die 'geheime lijst' met radicale moslims ook?
Voor de Nationale Veiligheid!
Verrassing! Miljoenennota gelekt
Verrassing! Het is enorm saai
Bindende luistertip: The Rest Is History over BoJo
Ja luister nou maar gewoon