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YouTube verbant "alle anti-vaccinatie-desinformatie"

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De New York Times kopt "YouTube bans all anti-vaccine misinformation." AP opent met "YouTube says it has shut two German channels of Russian state broadcaster RT in a move centering on alleged coronavirus misinformation". De headlines lezen dus alsof YouTube een nieuw offensief is begonnen tegen wat zij misinformatie over corona-vaccins achten, maar naar de letter blijkt het dus iets anders te liggen. Uit YouTube's toelichting in een blogpost lezen we namelijk dat hun offensief tegen "misinformatie" over corona-vaccins al langer dan een jaar gaande was. Hun nieuwe offensief is gericht tegen "misinformatie" over vaccins in het algemeen.

"*At the onset of COVID-19, we built on these policies when the pandemic hit, and worked with experts to develop 10 new policies around COVID-19 and medical misinformation. Since last year, we’ve removed over 130,000 videos for violating our COVID-19 vaccine policies. (...) We’ve steadily seen false claims about the coronavirus vaccines spill over into misinformation about vaccines in general, and we're now at a point where it's more important than ever to expand the work we started with COVID-19 to other vaccines. *

Specifically, content that falsely alleges that approved vaccines are dangerous and cause chronic health effects, claims that vaccines do not reduce transmission or contraction of disease, or contains misinformation on the substances contained in vaccines will be removed. This would include content that falsely says that approved vaccines cause autism, cancer or infertility, or that substances in vaccines can track those who receive them. Our policies not only cover specific routine immunizations like for measles or Hepatitis B, but also apply to general statements about vaccines."

De ontwikkeling werpt een interessante vraag op: zal weerstand tegen coronavaccins zich ook door vertalen naar andere vaccins of zelfs vaccins in het algemeen? Onder mensen die op dit moment nog geen coronavaccin hebben, vermoeden we van wel.


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