1/ David Duke attended #Charlottesville neo-nazi rally. I met him in 2006 in Iran as I covered crazy Holocaust denial conference. Thread. 👇
Harald Doornbos: 'David Duke wilde me doen'
Harald Doornbos, zo'n beetje de enige man die we schaamteloos citeren zonder zelf al te veel moeite te doen om een smeuïge tekst te bedenken. De anekdotes van deze baas spreken voor zich.
"Life of MidEast reporter often bit bizarre. In next tweets I'll describe 11/12/2006 when I covered Holocaust denial conference in Tehran. As I arrived at Min Foreign Affairs, guard at entrance asked me: Holocaust? I nodded. He then said: Holocaust is straight, then to left. Inside conference hall in Tehran I noticed mixed audience- Iranian diplomats, students&Western Holocaust deniers; among them David Duke. At conference endless speeches: "Holocaust is myth. Hardly anybody died in camps. Everything is conspiracy." Lots of crazy bla-bla-bla. David Duke was also attending the Tehran conference. In between some speeches, I walked up to him and asked him a couple of questions. Duke explained his Holocaust stance. Also said "cultures should't mix". I just listened&took notes. What to expect from an ex-KKK guy? Duke told me he was pleasantly surprised to meet a reporter from Holland as he himself had lived for a short while in The Netherlands. Then meeting took even weirder turn. Duke said he had left his wife, followed by words: "Harald, in which hotel are you staying tonight?" Slightly alarmed now, I quickly made up a hotel name and told David Duke that I stayed at the Grand Hotel in Tehran. He said: Oh, good."
12/ Till now I imagine how during night of 11/12/2006 David Duke harassed random Iranian guests in Hotel Grand as I slept quietly kms away.😂
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