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B.B. VrijMiBo

Het is weekend. I was a sailor, I was lost at sea, I was under the waves, before love rescued me. I was a fighter, I could turn on a thread, now I stand accused of the things I've said. Love comes to town I'm gonna jump that train. When love comes to town I'm gonna catch that flame. Maybe I was wrong to ever let you down, but I did what I did before love came to town. I used to make love under a red sunset. I was making promises I was soon to forget. She was pale as the lace of her wedding gown, but I left her standing before love came to town. I ran into a juke joint when I heard a guitar scream. The notes were turning blue, I was dazing in a dream. As the music played I saw my life turn around. That was the day before love came to town. Prettig weekend. En be nice.


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