FOX News: "VS en Rusland willen dat Oekraïne verkiezingen houdt na wapenstilstand, daarna pas vredesakkoord"
Ja da's brutaal hoor, alsof Rusland zo'n democratisch baken is
🚨NEWS w/ @NanaSajaia - US/Russia 3 stage peace proposal would force new Ukraine elections: foreign diplomatic sources
— Jacqui Heinrich (@JacquiHeinrich) February 18, 2025
The US and Russia are proposing a three-stage peace plan, according to multiple foreign diplomatic sources close to the talks in Saudi Arabia. The plan includes…
Fox News-correspondent Jacqui Heinrich schrijft bovenstaand: "Multiple foreign diplomatic sources tell FOX the US and Russia consider holding new elections in Ukraine to be a key condition for the success of the settlement process. This piece is certain to stir controversy, as Russia does not hold true elections and the Ukrainians balk at the prospect of installing a pro-Russia puppet president. (...) The White House has NOT YET COMMENTED - but is expected to soon."
Na een overleg over Zelensky zonder Zelensky is dit natuurlijk nogal een gebaar naar diezelfde Zelensky. Feit blijft ook dat Zelensky inderdaad al sinds 20 mei 2024 over zijn termijn heen is en verkiezingen wegens de oorlog zijn 'uitgesteld'. Oekraïne reageert op het verkiezingsvoorstel:
"Putin assesses the probability of electing a puppet president as quite high and is also convinced that any candidate other than the current President of Ukraine will be more flexible and ready for negotiations and concessions. In turn, D. Trump is ready to accept any election result, including the possibility of election of a pro-Russian puppet. D. Trump and V. Putin consider the chances of the current President of Ukraine being re-elected as low."
Later meer, livestream na de breek.
Update 17:10 - Uit onvrede met het verloop van de gesprekken zegt Zelensky zijn bezoek aan Saoedi-Arabië op 19 februari af.
⚡️Beginning of a Breakthrough: 🇺🇸 Team says Permanent End to Conflict Needed, Moves to Restore Bilateral Relations with Russia - Including Embassies & Economic Cooperation
— RT_India (@RT_India_news) February 18, 2025
HISTORIC TALKS: Moscow & Washington Delegations In World-Defining Meeting In Riyadh - Tune In To RT's Live Coverage
— RT_India (@RT_India_news) February 18, 2025
Updates at every half past the hour IST.
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