"Israëlische special forces ontvoeren vier Iraanse officieren IN SYRIË, confisqueren wapens en documenten, blazen locatie op"
Zoveel "onbevestigde berichten" over een operatie afgelopen zondag dat het een onbevestigde vermelding waard wordt
Repo over het voorval door Syria TV, een oppositiezender in Turkije
De operatie waarbij "minstens mensen 14 gedood en 43 verwond werden", bovenstaand door Syria TV vergezeld van animaties en beelden van de nasleep, wordt door Times of Israel als volgt neergeschreven:
"Local Syrian media reported at the time that the strikes hit a scientific research center in Masyaf, which has long been associated with the manufacture of chemical weapons and precision missiles by the Syrian regime and Iranian forces.
However, the fresh reports were the first to claim that Israeli troops operated on the ground during the action at Masyaf, which lies about 200 kilometers (124 miles) north of Israel, though only about 30 kilometers (18 miles) from Syria’s western coastline.
(...) The report said there were violent clashes in which three Syrians were killed, and two to four Iranians were captured. The report did not give details as to what happened to the Iranians."
Maar ook Israëlische bronnen lijken zich te mengen. Midden-Oostenonderzoeker Eva J. Koulouriotis:
"Α security source confirmed to me that last Thursday evening, special forces from the IDF carried out a special operation against a military facility belonging to the IRGC, six kilometers southwest of the Syrian city of Masyaf.
(...) The operation lasted for about an hour, during which the Israeli special forces were able to enter the facility, withdraw important equipment and documents, mine the facility from the inside, then destroy it and withdraw under air cover through fire belts surrounding the site, to prevent any air movements by Assad's warplanes.
The targeted facility is directly affiliated with the IRGC and is responsible for developing ballistic missiles and drones and provides logistical support to the Hezbollah militia in Lebanon."
Nou Iran, zo stapelen de redenenen voor vergelding zich evenredig op aan jullie uitstel van vergelding.
Beeld, soort van
Α security source confirmed to me that last Thursday evening, special forces from the |#IDF carried out a special operation against a military facility belonging to the #IRGC, six kilometers southwest of the Syrian city of Masyaf.
— Eva J. Koulouriotis | إيفا كولوريوتي (@evacool_) September 11, 2024
2/ pic.twitter.com/zrdbexcZnL
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