When Hezbollah film IDF soldiers that close with this format, there is definitely a problem with Israeli Army at the Lebanon border:
Maar wie zou er winnen?
De belangrijke vragen
Wiki 1: "The ruggedness, simplicity, low cost, and effectiveness of the RPG-7 has made it the most widely used anti-armor weapon in the world. (...) The launcher is reloadable and based around a steel tube, 40 millimetres in diameter, 950 millimetres long, and weighing 7 kilograms. (...) The RPG-7 can fire a variety of warheads for anti-armor (HEAT, PG-Protivotankovaya Granata) or anti-personnel (HE, OG-Oskolochnaya Granata) purposes, usually fitting with an impact (PIBD) and a 4.5 second fuze."
Wiki 2: "The Merkava Mark IV is armed with an IMI 120 mm smoothbore gun which can fire almost all versions of Western 120 mm smooth bore tank ammunition, as well as the LAHAT anti-tank guided missile. Each model of the Merkava has two roof mounted 7.62 mm machine guns for use by the commander and loader and another mounted co-axially with the main gun. A 60 mm mortar is also fitted for firing smoke rounds or suppressing dug-in infantry anti-tank teams. All Merkava tanks are fitted with a remote-controlled M2 Browning .50 heavy machine gun, aligned with the main gun and controlled from within the turret."
Tuurlijk, zinloze en suffe vergelijking. Maar de patstelling tussen de Libanese en Israëlische grenstroepen gisteren leverde wel mooie beelden op. En dan ook nog die VN-vredesmacht van kleur er tussen, wat een palet.
Toestanden aan de Israelisch-Libanese grens
De video
De VN zit er bovenop
Point blank wel ja
Altercation on the Israel-Lebanon border: IDF says dozens of suspects and Lebanese army forces gathered at the border on the Lebanese side of the security fence and tried to interfere with IDF activity in the area UNIFIL forces at the scene intervened — @MatthiasInbar
Traditie! (november 2020)
Video: Lebanese solider pointing his RPG at IDF tank positioned at Lebanon/Israel borders-Blue Line.
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