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Greets VrijMiBo

De supermarkt, een wild en spannend pretparkavontuur
Hij heeft zojuist zowaar een flesje cola aangekocht
Snel springt hij in de zwarte auto, 't was van korte duur
Want de duivel in persoon, de rat, de klootzak, wordt gezocht

En ping klinkt uit zijn telefoon, 'ik steek je oogbal uit'
Leest hij, het volgende bericht: 'ik sla je kankerhersens in'
Chauffeur, naar huis, zegt hij en kijkt naar 't leven door de ruit
Maar ziet zijn ouder wordend vlekkend hoofd in de bespiegeling

Maar morgen komt het erop aan, want morgen spreekt het recht
Dan moet hij zich verantwoorden voor wat hij heeft gezegd
Hij oefent in zijn hoofd de woorden die hij zal getuigen

Een bitt're glimlach, hup een tweet, dáár huilt zijn zwakke stem
Hij denkt aan thuis en aan zijn vrouw, verwonderd hoe zij bleef bij hem
'Ach shit, kom op, geen tranen nu, ik houd mij recht en zal niet buigen'
Prettig weekend. En be nice.

PS Borrel ter nagedachtenis van necrosis vanavond vanaf rond 18:30 in De Wagenmeester in Amersfoort, Stationsplein 31-33. PLOP.

VrijMiBo op de erwt

Dear Frozen Peas Manufacturer,

We are writing to you because we feel that the peas illustrated on your package of frozen peas are a most unattractive color. We are referring to the 16 oz. plastic package that shows three or four pods, one of them split open, with peas rolling out near them. The peas are a dull yellow green, more the color of pea soup than fresh peas and nothing like the actual color of your peas, which are a nice bright dark green. The depicted peas are, moreover, about three times the size of the actual peas inside the package, which, together with their dull color, makes them even less appealing — they appear to be past their maturity and mealy in texture. Additionally, the color of your illustrated peas contrasts poorly with the color of the lettering and other decoration on your package, which is an almost harsh neon green. We have compared your depiction of peas to that of other frozen peas packages and yours is by far the least appealing. Most food manufacturers depict food on their packaging that is more attractive than the food inside and therefore deceptive. You are doing the opposite: you are falsely representing your peas as less attractive that they actually are. We enjoy your peas and do not want your business to suffer. Please reconsider your art.

Yours sincerely.
Prettig weekend. En be nice.

VrijMiBo in een Mansion

Het is weekend. Deze is voor Hef. Extra lang. Koning.

Goodbye #Hef
Mr Hefner
I have so many thoughts, I have no brain n right now to edit
I am me because of you
You taught me everything important about freedom and respect.
Outside of my family
You were the most important person in my life.
You gave me my life... People tell me all the time
That I was your favorite...
I'm in such deep shock.
But you were old,
your back hurt you so much.
Last time I saw you
You were using a walker.
You didn't want me to see.
You couldn't hear.
You had a piece of paper in your pocket you showed me -
with my name Pamela with a heart
around it.

I'm falling apart.
This feeling is so crazy.
It's raining in Paris now.
I'm by the window.
Everything anyone loves about me is because you understood me.
Accepted me
and encouraged me to be myself.
Love like no one else.
Live recklessly
With unfiltered abandon.
You said the magazine was about a girl like me.
That I embody the spirit you fantasized about.
I was the one.
You said.

I can hear you say -

Be brave.
There are no rules.
Live your life
I'm proud of you.
There are no mistakes.
And with men -
Enjoy ... (Your wonderful laugh)
You have the world by the tail
You are a good girl
you are so loved -
You are not crazy.
You are wild and free
Stay strong,
Stay vulnerable. ... "It's movie time"

You loved my boys ... You were always, always there for us.
With your love
Your crazy wisdom.
I will miss your everything.
Thank you for making the world a better place.
A freeer and sexier place.
You were a gentleman
charming, elegant, chivalrous
And so much fun.
Goodbye Hef ... Your Pamela

Prettig weekend. En be nice.

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