Noel Gallagher: "UK machteloos tov terrorisme door hippie-idealen over religie"
Zo. Deed broerlief laatst nog een rant over theedrinken. Ageert Noel ineens eventjes de tent uit over dat andere theedrinken. "Our government, seemingly, is fucking powerless to stop this shit. And I have children, and they're growing up in London and they take the tube, and I take the tube (...). And there's like bombers roaming free around the fucking city. And our government, and our government before them and the next fucking government after this one, will be powerless to stop it, because of some fucking hippie ideal about people's religious beliefs. FUCK THOSE CUNTS IS WHAT I SAY". Goed verhaal wel gewoon op zich natuurlijk. Man van 't volk!
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