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Muizen-embryo met functionerend hart en hersenen gecreëerd zonder zaad of eicellen. "Menselijk embryo is volgende stap""

Okay maar, nja, ja, wel interessant

Er is een muizen-embryo met functionerende hersenen en hart gecreëerd, zonder dat hier muizen-zaad of eicellen aan te pas kwamen. Oftewel, er is - uit het niets - sentient life geschapen*.* En dat, ja is nogal wat. 

"In studies published in Cell and Nature this month, two groups report that they have grown synthetic mouse embryos for 8.5 days, longer than ever before. The embryos developed distinct organs — a beating heart, a gut tube and even neural folds. The process is far from perfect. Just a tiny fraction of the cells develop these features, and those that do don’t entirely mimic a natural embryo. But the work still represents a major advance that will help scientists to see organ development in unprecedented detail."

Maar dan natuurlijk het enige dat u daadwerkelijk interesseert omdat u geen muis bent: "“This is very, very exciting,” says Jianping Fu, a bioengineer at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. “The next milestone in this field very likely will be a synthetic stem-cell-based human embryo,” he says."

Nou, landsadvocaten, hoe werkt dat straks bij het gemeenteloket?

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