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@bas rutten

Conor McGregor verklaart liefde aan Bas Rutten

Ónze Bas Rutten.

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At the legendary Bas Ruttens gym tonight. Elite MMA. Behind us is the original UFC heavyweight belt that Bas won. Becoming the first European MMA fighter to win a UFC title. To this day there have only been 5 European UFC champions. Bas also secured his nations flag Holland, on the new design UFC belt with this win, as Holland was one of the first 8th countries to birth a UFC world champion. Ireland is on this list also. The belt below the UFC belt is his Pancrase World title. True MMA fans will know Pancrase as one of the first, somewhat form of no holds barred fighting to appear from Japan. A sport where the knuckles were bare but striking with the closed fist to the head was still not allowed. The fist had to be open. It led to heavy open hand clatters becoming the choice of weapon here. The strike was ALWAYS with the bone/knuckle at the end of the palm, connected to the wrist. I’m not sure what the actual name of this bone is, but I like to call it the nom nom knuckle. When Khabib was holding onto my legs against the fence in that first round, I was clattering him with this knuckle right into the temple, over and over. Feeding it to him. Hence nom nom. Devastating blows can be caused with this knuckle, and some of Bas’s greatest highlights are of this shot. A clean open palm strike, straight down the pipe from a standing position, putting the opponent out cold. Fascinating to see. Bas was also one of the originators of the high elbow guillotine, in fighting competition. You will see it frequently now and some fighters have modeled their careers and even fight nicknames off this great submission move. Bas, although not known for his grappling, was one of the first men to win with this technique. Fascinating to watch. I suggest you do. Bas Rutten highlights. Bas also had a training voice recording out where he would call out MMA combinations and drills. My coach would play it on the radio and we would work. “Double knee, liver shot, 10 sprawls” Bas was the first person to teach me how to piece MMA style combinations together. And it was through a C.D on the radio. Bas Rutten ladies and gentlemen. What a pioneer. “El Guapo” they call him. A PROPER GOER

Een bericht gedeeld door Conor McGregor Official (@thenotoriousmma) op

Waar een klein land groot in kan zijn, hè. Mark Rutte zou raddraaiers het liefst persoonlijk in elkaar slaan maar wie was het die raddraaiers persoonlijk in elkaar sloeg? Bas Rutten (geen familie). Bas Rutten hoefde maar naar iemand te kijken of diegene was al in elkaar geslagen. Dan ging het van BENG BENG BENG en een WHOOP met een KNEE TO THE HEAD en dan was die persoon finaal in elkaar geslagen. Als je zelfs die loeigrote bakkes van UFC-superster Conor McGregor nederig en respectvol krijgt, dan ben je dus een heel grote. Bas Rutten, dames en heren, met na de klik Bas Rutten bij Joe Rogan. Wat een feestje.

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