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Knap bootje ondergaat stormtest

Voor wie de Vanquish zat is

U kijkt dus naar de T-2000 ‘VOYAGER’ van Safehaven Marine, en die is in principe in staat om zonder bijtanken en non-stop de Atlantische oceaan over te steken. 'Verkenningsjacht', schijnt dit genre te heten, "and will appeal to an owner looking to explore remote and occasionally inhospitable locations but who, on occasion wishes to get there fast and take advantage of favourable weather windows, but not at the sacrifice of comfort and excitement. Combining potentially a very high speed capability of well over 50kts when fitted with the largest engine options, with exceptionally good seakeeping abilities enabling high cruising speeds of circa 30kts+ to be maintained in even moderately rough sea conditions." Meer foto's andere uitvoeringen en het interieur hier.

Eerdere stormtest

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