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Wat. Vermiste opperbevelhebber IRGC Qaani "leeft, kreeg hartaanval tijdens verhoor IN IRAN, krijgt binnenkort onderscheiding van Khamenei"


Kindervriend Qaani!

Niet de minste bron die dit beweert. Namelijk zo'n beetje de huidige niet-vermiste #2 van Iran, vice-bevelhebber van de IRGC _Quds Forc_e brigadier-generaal Iraj Masjedi (wiki), hoogste adviseur van de dus nog altijd vermiste opperbevelhebber Esmail Qaani (wiki), die weer de opvolger was van de door Trump geliquideerde Soleimani. Ten tijde van de Israëlische luchtaanval die Narallahs opvolger doodde was Qaani dus ook in Beiroet, en sinds die aanval is hij vermist.

Masjedi: "General Ebrahim Jabbari, an adviser to the commander of the IRGC, said Brigadier General Qaani is in full health. He noted that the IRGC Quds Force chief is going to be awarded the 'Medal of Fath (Conquest)' by Ayatollah Khamenei in the coming days."

Maar Middle East Eye wijdt nu in een Exclusive verder uit:

"Esmail Qaani, the leader of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s elite Quds Force, is alive and unhurt but under guard and being questioned as Iran investigates major security breaches, multiple sources have told Middle East Eye.

(...) Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has opened investigations into how Israel was able penetrate the Lebanese movement’s most senior leadership and identify where and when Nasrallah would be found.

Ten sources in Tehran, Beirut and Baghdad, including senior Shia figures and sources close to Hezbollah and in the IRGC, told MEE that even Qaani, one of Iran’s most senior generals, and his team are under lockdown as investigators seek answers.

(...) Suspicions that senior Iranian commanders may have been compromised were compounded when Nasrallah’s presumed successor, Hashem Safieddine, was apparently killed in another powerful Israeli strike on a secret subterranean Hezbollah base on 4 October."

Hezbollah dus geïnfiltreerd via Iran, niet Libanon. "“The breach was 100 percent Iranian and there is no question about this part,” a source close to Hezbollah told MEE." We blijven kijken.

En zojuist meldt Sky News Arabia dus dat Qaani tijdens zijn verhoor in Iran EEN HARTAANVAL HEEFT GEHAD, en het is onduidelijk of bedoeld wordt dat hij hieraan overleden is. WAT GEBEURT HIER HEY.

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